NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 7 A visit to Cambridge

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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 7 A visit to Cambridge

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 7 A visit to Cambridge

Class 8 English Chapter 7 A visit to Cambridge

Comprehension Check – Page 97

Answer – (iii) Cambridge was the real England.

Answer – (ii) from outside a phone booth.

Answer – (ii) he forced the scientist to use his voice synthesiser.

Answer – (i) shifting in the wheelchair, turning the wrist.

Working with the Text

Answer – (i) The writer was nervous at the prospect of meeting Stephen Hawking because Hawking was a very renowned and brilliant astrophysicist despite being paralysed and differently abled. He was doubtful whether he would be allowed to meet him or not.

(ii) Yes, the author at the same time felt very excited because he wasn’t expecting that he would be getting an opportunity to have a face-to-face conversation with such a great personality, that too for half an hour.

Answer – The writer might have asked the scientist if he felt relieved and brave for achieving so much despite his disability.

Answer – Stephen Hawking stated that he had no choice but to remain confined to the wheelchair. The writer felt that living creatively with the reality of his disintegrating body was a choice for him. The author believed that Hawking could have given up on life and felt sorry for himself, but instead, he chose to achieve great things despite his disability.

Answer – Stephen Hawking was a brilliant scientist and had a lot many ideas always flowing in his mind. But he relied on a voice synthesizer to communicate his thoughts without emotion. The writer understood Hawking’s frustration at being unable to express himself fully. Hawking’s reliance on a computer for communication left him feeling distressed.

Answer – The writer asked Stephen Hawking if he felt annoyed when someone came to disturb him in his work. Hawking quickly said yes, but then he smiled in a special way that made the writer feel fond of him. The writer thought Hawking was one of the most wonderful people, even though he had a disability. The writer realized that he was looking at one of the most beautiful men in the world and a person’s soul is what matters most, not their body.

Answer – “Before you like a lantern whose walls are worn so thin you glimpse only the light inside, is the incandesence of a man”. The most beautiful sentence is incandesence of a man.

Answer – (i) If ‘the lantern’ is the man, its ‘walls’ would refer to the structure of the human body.
(ii) The light of life/internal soul is housed within the thin walls.
(iii) The author suggests that deep inside every person, there is a bright and eternal soul. The body is like an accessory that covers this inner light.

Answer – Stephen Hawking stressed that everyone, regardless of their abilities or disabilities, should focus on developing their strengths. He advised that instead of trying to imitate “normal” people unnecessarily they should make the most of available resources.

Answer – When Stephen Hawking said that things such as disabled Olympics were a waste of time, the writer agreed with him. He remembered the years which he spent trying to play a Spanish guitar that was considerably larger than he was. He was very happy when he unstringed it one night. It supports Stephen Hawking’s idea that the disabled should only concentrate on what they are good at, and not take up things unnecessarily.

Answer – Stephen Hawking inspired the author a lot, and he was thankful to him. Seeing how Hawking achieved great things despite his disability showed the author how brave he was. Hawking’s courage inspired the author to see life in a more positive way and not to always complain about his own disability.

– tapping at a little switch in his hand
– and I told him
– that there are people
– as if you have a courage account
– and they are saying something huge and urgent
– trying to find the words on his computer.
– I had come in a wheelchair from India.
– on which you are too lazy to draw a cheque.
– smiling with admiration to see you breathing still.
– it is hard to tell what

Answer –

(i) There was his assistant on the line and I told him I had come in a wheelchair from India.
(ii) You get fed up with people asking you to be brave, as if you have a courage account on which you are too lazy to draw a cheque.
(iii) There he was, tapping at a little switch in his hand trying to find the words on his computer.
(iv) You look at his eyes which can speak, and they are saying something huge and urgent – it is hard to tell what.
(v) It doesn’t do much good to know that there are people smiling with admiration to see you breathing still.

Working with language

guidesucceed chair travel pale draw true

Answer –

(i) I met a traveller from an antique land.
(ii) I need special guidance in mathematics. I can’t count the number of times I have failed in the subject.
(iii) The guide called Stephen Hawking a worthy successor to Isaac Newton.
(iv) His other problems paled into insignificance beside this unforeseen mishap.
(v) The meeting was chaired by the youngest member of the board.
(vi) Some people say ‘yours truly’ when they informally refer to themselves.
(vii) I wish it had been a drawn match. We would have been spared the noise of celebrations, at least.

read/sessionsmile/face revolve/chair
walk/tour dance/doll win/chance

Answer –

a reading session a smiling face a revolving chair
a walking tour a dancing doll a winning chance

Answer – (i) Both
(ii) All
(iii) All
(iv) Both
(v) All

Answer –

(i) My friend has one of the fastest cars on the road.
(ii) This is the most interesting story I have ever read.
(iii) What you are doing now is easier than what you did yesterday.
(iv) Ramesh and his wife are both short.
(v) He arrived late as usual. Even the chief guest came earlier than he did.

Speaking and Writing

camel balloon
decent opinion
fearless enormous
careful fulfil
father together
govern degree
bottle before

Answer – Try it yourself.

artist mistakeaccidentmoment
compare satisfy relation table
illegal agree backward mountain


artist mistakeaccidentmoment
compare satisfy relation table
illegal agree backward mountain

Surya Uday School


24th March, 2022

A small black wallet has been misplaced within the school premises, potentially near the cafeteria or playground area. The wallet contains essential ID cards and some cash. We kindly request anyone who may have come across it to please return it to me. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Priya Yadav

Or you can also write the notice for finding something given below-

Surya Uday School

‘A black wallet has been found’

24th March, 2024

A valuable item has been discovered within the school premises. The item, a small black wallet, was found near the cafeteria or playground area. It contains important ID cards and cash. If this belongs to you or if you know the owner, please contact me and claim it. We are eager to reunite the item with its rightful owner as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation.

Rupesh Yadav


Answer –

  • Can you provide an overview of the current state of water and electricity supply in our village?
  • What measures are being taken to ensure consistent access to clean drinking water for all residents?
  • Are there any upcoming projects or initiatives aimed at improving water and electricity infrastructure in the village?
  • How does the village panchayat plan to address issues related to cleanliness and waste management?
  • Are there any specific programs or campaigns in place to promote cleanliness and hygiene practices among villagers?
  • What steps are being taken to ensure the maintenance and upkeep of public spaces and sanitation facilities?
  • Can you share any recent achievements or progress made in enhancing school education in our village?
  • How does the village panchayat support local schools and educators to improve educational outcomes for students?
  • Are there any initiatives in place to address challenges such as teacher shortages or lack of educational resources?
  • What future plans does the village panchayat have to further enhance the quality of education and learning opportunities for children in our village?

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