NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 8 A short Monsoon Diary

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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 8 A short Monsoon Diary

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 8 A short Monsoon Diary

Class 8 English Chapter 8 A short Monsoon Diary

Comprehension Check – Page 106

Answer- The author couldn’t see Bijju because thick mist covered the hills of Mussoorie like a dense white blanket.

Answer- When the mist comes up, it covers and conceals the hills completely like a thick white blanket. Also the mist covers the hillsides with extreme silence, as the birds stop singing.

Comprehension Check – Page 108

Answer- The monsoon starts in late June and ends in late August. In the monsoon, we carry umbrellas and raincoats to stay dry and avoid getting sick.

Answer- Mussoorie.

Answer- For eight to nine days, it rained without stopping. Since it was wet and soggy outside, he stayed insite his room and watched a few umbrellas bobbing outside his window.

Answer- The snakes and rodents took shelter in the attics, houses, godowns as all the burrows and holes were filled with rain water.

Answer- The author received a cheque in the mail.

Working with the Text

Answer- In Ruskin Bond’s diary, June 24 marks the start of the monsoon mist. The hills disappear under a thick white mist, and everything becomes silent. By June 25, the real monsoon begins, and everyone, including humans, birds, animals, and trees, welcomes it. The first cobra lily appears among the ferns.

By August 2, people are used to the monsoon. Rain drums on the tin roofs of houses steadily, without any storms or thunder. Snakes and rodents come out of their hiding places to seek shelter in roofs, attics, and godowns to avoid getting wet.

On March 23, winter ends with a hailstorm followed by a clear sky. A beautiful rainbow appears, creating one of the most splendid sights of nature.

Answer- The grand mother asked the children not to kill the chuchunder as it has been treated lucky and brings in goog fortune and money.

Answer- When the lush monsoon growth reaches its peak and seeds of the cobralily turns red, these signs show that monsoons are about to end.


(i) Bijju is not seen but his voice is heard because the dense mist conceals the hills and the surroundings.
(ii) The writer describes the hill station and valley as a paradise.
(iii) The leopard was successful in killing a dog but had to flee when Bijju’s mother arrived and shouted curses.
(iv) The minivets are easily noticed because of their bright colours.
(v) It looks like a fashion display on the slopes when different flowers rear their heads from the rocks.
(vi) During the monsoon season, snakes and rodents are found in roofs and attics because their holes and burrows were filled with rain water.

Answer- (i) The term “springing” is used by the author to describe the sudden and unexpected appearance of how the tin roofs are prone to development of sudden unexpected leaking.
(ii) The writer is untouched by the rain because he is inside a room where the tin roof prevents any leaks from allowing the rain to come inside.
(iii) The writer keeps hearing the rain’s crackling sound on the tin roof, so he feels connected to the rain.

Answer- Endless rain for days can lead to floods, landslides, waterlogging in urban areas, crop damage, transportation disruptions etc. Infrastructure like buildings and bridges may incur damage, requiring repairs. Health risks increase with stagnant water providing breeding grounds for disease vectors.

Answer- At the start of the monsoon, the cobra lily pops up among the ferns. By the end of the monsoon, its seeds turn red.

Working with Language

downpourfloods mist cloudypowercutscold umbrella

Answer- Some words associated with the monsoon are – rain, clouds, thunder, lightning, umbrellas, puddles, floods, mist, humidity, greenery, crops, wet, damp etc

For the second part of the question students are advised to exoplore about the avove words in their own language.


(ii) The traffic stopped. Some people were sitting on the road and they were shouting slogans.
(iii) I wore my raincoat. It was raining and people were getting wet.
(iv) She saw a film. She was narrating it to her friends who were listening carefully.
(v) We went to the exhibition. Some people were buying clothes while others were playing games.
(vi) The class was quiet. Some children were reading books and the rest were drawing.



(a) Drip
(b) Drum
(c) swish
(d) caw
(e) tinkle


(a) Ramesh drummed on his desk in impatience.
(b) Rain water dripped from the umbrella all over the carpet.
(c) The pony swished its tail.
(d) The tinkling of breaking glass woke me up.
(e) The cawing of the raven disturbed the child’s sleep.

sure enough colourful enoughserious enough
kind enoughbig enoughfair enough
brave enoughfoolish enough anxious enough


(i) I saw thick black clouds in the sky. And sure enough it soon started raining heavily.
(ii) The blue umbrella was big enough for the brother and sister.
(iii) The butterflies are colourful enough to get noticed.
(iv) The lady was brave enough to chase the leopard.
(v) The boy was anxious enough to call out to his sister.
(vi) The man was kind enough to offer help.
(vii) The victim’s injury was serious enough for him to get admitted in hospital.
(viii) That person was foolish enough to repeat the same mistake again.
(ix) He told me he was sorry and he would compensate for the loss. I said, ‘fair enough.’


Answer- Yes, I do believe in superstitions to some extent. While I rely more on logic and reasoning in most situations, there are certain superstitions that I find intriguing due to cultural or personal beliefs. Some of the superstitions I believe in are-

  • Evil Eye (Nazar): Belief in the malevolent influence of envy or admiration, often countered with charms.
  • Shani Dosha: Astrological belief in the adverse effects of Saturn’s position in one’s horoscope.
  • Finding a four-leaf clover brings good fortune.

Answer- In the lesson, various types of birds are mentioned, including scarlet, minivets and drongos. In my neighborhood, I often see sparrows, pigeons, crows, and occasionally parrots and mynas. However, there are some birds, like sparrows, that were more common in the past but are now rarely seen. This decline in certain bird populations could be due to factors such as habitat loss, pollution, urbanization, and changes in climate, which have adversely affected their nesting and feeding grounds.


Answer- One memorable incident during the monsoon season happened when I was returning home from school with my friends. As the rain poured down relentlessly, we found ourselves stranded near a flooded street. Determined to reach home, we attempted to wade through the knee-deep water. However, the current grew stronger, and we struggled to keep our balance. Suddenly, my friend slipped and fell, prompting a collective gasp from us. With quick thinking, we formed a human chain and managed to pull him to safety. Despite the scare, we laughed nervously as we continued our journey, grateful for each other’s support and the lesson learned about the power of teamwork during challenging times.



Blossoms of spring

In spring’s bloom, nature wakes,
Trees burst forth, colors take.
Beneath the sky, flowers sway,
Birds sing, in joyful display.

Each petal soft, a gentle kiss,
Air filled with sweet bliss.
Life renewed, stories unfold,
In nature’s springtime hold.

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