NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Poem 5 The School Boy

Latest Updated : February 2024

If you are in search of NCERT solutions for Class 8 English Poem 5 The School Boy, you have come to the right place. On this page, you will find a comprehensive collection of accurate and reliable solutions specifically designed for Class 8 students studying English with Updated Syllabus by NCERT. Here you will find detailed solution for Poem 5 The School Boy. We also provide extra practice questions like grammar , reading and writing etc for you all to boost up your preparation and enhance your understanding about the same. Feel free to bookmark this page for quick and easy access to our

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Poem 5 The School Boy

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Poem 5 The School Boy

Class 8 English Poem 5 The School Boy

Working with the Poem

Answer- Three or four words/phrases in stanza 1 that reflect the child’s happiness and joy are-

(i) “I love to rise”
(ii) “the birds sing”
(iii) “skylark sings with me”
(iv) “sweet company”

Answer- The words or phrases reflect the changed mood are-
(i) “it drives all joy away”
(ii) “a cruel eye outworn”
(iii) “in sighing and dismay”

Answer- (iii) the dull/uninspiring life at school with lots of work and no play.

Answer- (ii) Nor can I learn anything at school though teachers go on lecturing and explaining.

The One Furrow

Answer- Both poems convey a similar message but in different ways. In “School Boy,” the poet talks about a child who feels unhappy because he has been separated from nature and given boring books instead. In “The One Furrow,” the poet describes how he first went to school and then entered the modern world, but found no peace in either place. Eventually, he returned to nature, became a farmer, and found peace there. These poems show that being close to nature brings contentment and happiness.

So in short if you are looking for free NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English, you can bookmark our site and you can download the free PDF’s and also share it with your friends. We are currently working to provide you with the best NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English, so in case if some things aren’t available at this point of time, they will be available soon. Also feel free to reach us out and ask your doubts or queries in the comments below. Happy Learning!

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