Chapter 6 : Reproduction in Animals NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Textbook Questions (Updated Syllabus)

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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 6 Reproduction in Animals will assist you in scoring more marks. This includes the textbook and their solutions for Reproduction in Animals Chapter 6 of Class 8 Science, which is made in adherence to the updated syllabus 2023 released by CBSE.

Our solutions offer ample material to help students build a strong foundation and improve their understanding of the subject.
On this page, you will find all the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 6 Reproduction in Animals which includes detailed exercise-based solutions. These NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science are downloadable and easy to access. Our Science experts have meticulously developed these solutions to support students in preparing for their Class 8 exams.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 6 Reproduction in Animals

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Reproduction in Animals Class 8 Science NCERT Textbook Questions

Exercise Questions

1.Explain the importance of reproduction in organisms.

Solution: Reproduction is the biological process through which organisms bring forth their offspring. It is important because it plays a crucial role in preserving the continuity of a species and contributes to the growth of the species population. Also reproduction is essential for the survival and persistence of all living organisms.

2. Describe the process of fertilisation in human beings.


During the process of fertilization, sperms comes in contact with an egg, and one of the sperm may merge with the egg. This fusion of the sperm and egg nuclei forms a singular nucleus, leading to the creation of a fertilized egg known as a zygote. In humans, this fertilization occurs within the female body, a process referred to as internal fertilization.

3. Choose the most appropriate answer.
(a) Internal fertilisation occurs
(i) in female body.
(ii) outside female body.
(iii) in male body.
(iv) outside male body.

Solution: (i) in female body.

(b) A tadpole develops into an adult frog by the process of
(i) fertilisation (ii) metamorphosis (iii) embedding (iv) budding

Solution: (ii) metamorphosis

(c) The number of nuclei present in a zygote is
(i) none (ii) one (iii) two (iv) four

Solution: (ii) one

4. Indicate whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).
(a) Oviparous animals give birth to young ones. ( )
(b) Each sperm is a single cell. ( )
(c) External fertilisation takes place in frog. ( )
(d) A new human individual develops from a cell called gamete. ( )
(e) Egg laid after fertilisation is made up of a single cell. ( )
(f) Amoeba reproduces by budding. ( )
(g) Fertilisation is necessary even in asexual reproduction. ( )
(h) Binary fission is a method of asexual reproduction. ( )
(i) A zygote is formed as a result of fertilisation. ( )
(j) An embryo is made up of a single cell. ( )

(a) False
(b) True
(c) True
(d) False
(e) True
(f) False
(g) False
(h) True
(i) True
(j) False

5. Give two differences between a zygote and a foetus.


1.It is formed by the fusion of ovum (female gamete) and sperm (male gamete).It is formed by repeated divisions of zygote.
2.It contains single cell.It contains multiple cells.
3.Well defined body parts are absent in zygote.Well defined body parts can be seen in foetus.

6. Define asexual reproduction. Describe two methods of asexual reproduction in animals.


Asexual reproduction is a mode of reproduction in which only a single parent is involved to reproduce offspring. In this type of reproduction the fusion of gametes does not take place and the offsprings produced are exact copies of their parents.

Methods of asexual reproduction in animals are as follows-

(a) Binary Fission– It is a type of asexual reproduction where a single cell divides itself into two equal parts and each of them gets one nucleus and develops into separate individual. This type of reproduction can be seen in amoeba.

(b) Budding : Budding is when an organism grows a little bulge (called a “bud”) that eventually turns into a new, fully-grown organism. This new organism then separates from the parent and lives on its own. Hydra is an example of an organism that reproduces this way.

7. In which female reproductive organ does the embryo get embedded?


Embryo gets embedded in the wall of uterus ( of the female body ) for further development.

8. What is metamorphosis? Give examples.


Metamorphosis is a biological process in which an animal’s body structure abruptly changes through cell growth and differentiation
Examples of this kind are frogs and insects.

9. Differentiate between internal fertilisation and external fertilisation.


S.No.Internal FertilizationExternal Fertilization
1.The fusion of male gamete (sperm) and female gamete (ova) takes place inside the body.The fusion of male gamete (sperm) and female gamete (ova) takes place outside the body.
2.The female partner lays either fertilised eggs or a fully grown young one.Female partner discharges unfertilised eggs.
3. There are high chances of survival of the offspring.There are low chances of survival of the offspring.
4.Example- Human Beings, Cow, Dog etcExample- Fish, Frog etc.

10. Complete the crossword puzzle using the hints given below.


1.The process of the fusion of the gametes.
6. The type of fertilisation in hen.
7. The term used for bulges observed on the sides of the body of hydra.
8. Eggs are produced here.


2. Sperms are produced in these male reproductive organs.
3. Another term for in vitro fertilisation.
4. These animals lay eggs.
5. A type of fission in amoeba.



1. Fertilization
6. Internal
7. Buds
8. Ovary


2. Testis
3. IVF
4. Oviparous
5. Binary


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