Chapter 3: Coal and Petroleum NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Textbook Questions(Updated Syllabus)

Latest Updated : October 2023

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 3 Coal and Petroleum will assist you in scoring more marks. This includes the textbook and their solutions for Coal and Petroleum Chapter 3 of Class 8 Science, which is made in adherence to the updated syllabus 2023 released by CBSE.

Our solutions offer ample material to help students build a strong foundation and improve their understanding of the subject.
On this page, you will find all the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 3 Coal and Petroleum which includes detailed exercise-based solutions. These NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science are downloadable and easy to access. Our Science experts have meticulously developed these solutions to support students in preparing for their Class 8 exams.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 1 Coal and Petroleum

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science

Coal and Petroleum Class 8 Science NCERT Textbook Questions

Exercise Questions

1.What are the advantages of using CNG and LPG as fuels?


The advantages of using CNG and LPG as fuels are as follows-
– They can be burnt directly
– They burn with a smokeless flame and do not cause any pollution.
– They are affordable and easily available
– LPG and CNG both are easy to store and transport as well
– They have high calorific value

2. Name the petroleum product used for surfacing of roads.

Solution: Bitumen

3. Describe how coal is formed from dead vegetation. What is this process called ?


About 300 million years ago, trees, plants, ferns and forests got buried below the rocks, soil and sand due to natural processes like flooding, earthquake, etc. Slowly, as more soil deposited over them, they were compressed. The temperature also rose and they sank deeper and deeper. This led to the conditions of high pressure and heat. These conditions along with the anaerobic conditions turned the carbon-enriched organic matter of wood into coal.
This slow process of conversion of wood into coal is called carbonisation.

4. Fill in the Blanks

(a) Fossil fuels are___________, ______________ and _____________________ .
(b) Process of separation of different constituents from petroleum is called ____________________________ .
(c) Least polluting fuel for vehicle is __________________ .


(a) Fossil fuels are natural gas, coal and petroleum .
(b) Process of separation of different constituents from petroleum is called Refining .
(c) Least polluting fuel for vehicle is CNG .

5. Tick True/False against the following statements.

(a) Fossil fuels can be made in the laboratory. (T/F)
(b) CNG is more polluting fuel than petrol. (T/F)
(c) Coke is almost pure form of carbon. (T/F)
(d) Coal tar is a mixture of various substances. (T/F)
(e) Kerosene is not a fossil fuel. (T/F)


(a) False
(b) False
(c) True
(d) True
(e) False

6. Explain why fossil fuels are exhaustible natural resources.


Fossil fuels take millions of years to be formed, by the action of high temperature and pressure on the remains of dead plants and animals. Hence they are limited in nature and cannot be replenished easily, once they are consumed. Therefore they are considered as exhaustible natural resources.

7. Describe characteristics and uses of coke.


Characterstics : Coke is 98% pure carbon. It is a tough, porous and black substance. It pro-duces a very little smoke.
Uses :
-Coke is very useful as fuel.
-It is a good reducing agent.
-It is widely used in extraction of metals.
– It gives little or no smoke.

8. Explain the process of formation of petroleum.


Petroleum is formed by the burial of aquatic plants and animals below the sea bed. as these organisms died, their bodies settled down in the bottom of sea and got converted with sand and clay. In anaerobic conditions, microorganisms decompose this organic matter. Due to high pressure and heat, the dead remains of tiny plants and animals were slowly converted into petroleum.

9. The following Table shows the total power shortage in India from 1991–1997. Show the data in the form of a graph. Plot shortage percentage for the years on the Y-axis and the year on the X-axis.

S.NoYearShortage (%)


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