NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English It So Happened Chapter 8 Ancient Education System Of India

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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English It So Happened Chapter 8 Ancient Education System Of India

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English It So Happened Chapter 8 Ancient Education System Of India

Class 8 English It So Happened Chapter 8 Ancient Education System Of India

Comprehension Check – Page 69

Answer- Many travellers were drawn to India due to its renowned culture, wealth, religions, philosophies, art, and architecture, as well as its widespread educational practices. The ancient Indian education system was seen as a valuable reservoir of knowledge, traditions, and practices that provided guidance and inspiration to humanity globally. India was perceived by travelers as a land of wonder.

Answer- The ancient education system drew from various sources, including the teachings of the Vedas, Brahmanas, Upanishads, and Dharmasutras. Additionally, writings by scholars like Aryabhata, Panini, Katyayana, and Patanjali, as well as medical treatises by Charaka and Sushruta, were valued sources of knowledge. Furthermore, education encompassed diverse disciplines such as Shilpashastra (architecture), Itihas (history),Dhanurvidya (archery), Anviksiki (logic), Varta (agriculture, trade, commerce, animal husbandry) Arthashastra (polity) and Mimamsa (interpretation).

Answer- Features of Education system in ancient India were as follows-

(i) Teaching and learning followed the tenets of Vedas and Upanishads fulfilling duties towards self, family and society, thus encompassing all aspects of life.
(ii) The Gurus and their pupils worked conscientiously together to become proficient in all aspects of learning
(iii) The education system in ancient India focused on the holistic development of the individual by taking care of both the inner and the outer self.

(iv) The system focused on the moral, physical, spiritual and intellectual aspects of life. It emphasised on values such as humility, truthfulness, discipline, self-reliance and respect for all creations. Students were taught to appreciate the balance between human beings and nature.
(v) Teaching was largely oral and students remembered and meditated upon what was taught in the class.
(vi) Education system focused both on learning and physical development. In other words, the emphasis was on a healthy mind and healthy body.

Answer- Gurus and pupils in ancient times worked conscientiously together to become proficient in all aspects of learning.
Learned debates, known as Shastrartha, were organized to evaluate pupils’ knowledge. Gurus and their pupils lived together, aiding each other in daily life, aiming for holistic learning and disciplined living.The primary goal was comprehensive learning, discipline, and unlocking the learner’s inner potential. Students stayed away from home for years until their educational objectives were fulfilled, strengthening the Guru-shishya bond.
Education encompassed diverse disciplines like history, debate, law, and medicine, focusing on both external expertise and inner enrichment.

Comprehension Check – Page 74

Answer- The nuns and monks got their education from different monasteries or viharas, which were places of learning, where they could do meditation, discussion, and debates with knowledgeable people to fulfil their pursuit for knowledge in ancient times.

Answer- Panini was a Sanskrit grammarian who gave a comprehensive and scientific theory of phonetics, phonology, and morphology. He was an expert in language and grammar and authored one of the greatest works on grammar called Ashtadhyayi.

Answer- In the 7th century CE, Chinese scholars I-Qing and Xuan Zang visited Nalanda University, which was commonly referred to as Nala during that time.

Answer- Xuan Zang studied Yogashastra, grammar, logic and Sanskrit during his time at the Nalanda University in India.

Answer- In ancient times, knowledge was highly valued and considered sacred. Therefore, there were no fees for education. The contributions towards education from the wealthy were regarded as the highest form of donation. Different people contributed differently. Financial support mostly came from rich merchants, wealthy parents and society. This tuition-free education model was prominent in ancient universities like Valabhi, Vikramshila, and Jagaddala.

Exercise Questions

Answer- There are a lot many features of ancient education system of India that made it globally renowned. Some of them are as follows-

(i) Teaching and learning followed the tenets of Vedas and Upanishads fulfilling duties towards self, family and society, thus encompassing all aspects of life.
(ii) The Gurus and their pupils worked conscientiously together to become proficient in all aspects of learning
(iii) The education system in ancient India focused on the holistic development of the individual by taking care of both the inner and the outer self.

(iv) The system focused on the moral, physical, spiritual and intellectual aspects of life. It emphasised on values such as humility, truthfulness, discipline, self-reliance and respect for all creations. Students were taught to appreciate the balance between human beings and nature.
(v) Teaching was largely oral and students remembered and meditated upon what was taught in the class.
(vi) Education system focused both on learning and physical development. In other words, the emphasis was on a healthy mind and healthy body.


Students from other countries likely came to India to study during ancient times for several reasons, some of which are :

(i) India was considered a land of wonder with a rich source of knowledge that had educational centres of higher learning.
(ii) India was renowned for its rich cultural and intellectual heritage, including philosophy, arts, literature, and sciences. Students were attracted to the opportunity to study these subjects at their source.
(iii) Various monasteries or viharas were set up for monks and nuns to meditate, debate and discuss with the learned to satisfy their quest for knowledge during this period.

(iv) Ancient India was home to prestigious educational institutions like Nalanda, Takshashila, and Vikramashila, which offered high-quality education in various fields, including philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, medicine, and languages.
(iv) India was known for its expertise in specific disciplines such as mathematics, astronomy, medicine, and philosophy. Students from other countries sought to learn from renowned scholars and masters in these fields.
(v) Education in ancient India was holistic, encompassing not only academic subjects but also practical skills and spiritual teachings aimed at fostering personal growth and enlightenment.

Therefore. students from China, Korea, Tibet, Burma, Ceylon, Java, Nepal and other distant countries were attracted to India.

Answer- Education is often considered “a way of life” because it encompasses more than just academic learning.
– It influences our thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, and interactions with others.
– Education shapes our perspectives, values, and decisions, guiding us in how we navigate the world and engage with society.
– It extends beyond the classroom, influencing how we approach challenges, solve problems, and pursue our goals. Ultimately, education becomes integrated into our daily lives, shaping who we are and how we interact with the world around us.
– It instills civic responsibility and participation in society.
– Education equips individuals with skills for career advancement.
– Education continues throughout life, fostering growth and adaptation.

Answer- Holistic education focuses on developing the whole person—intellectually, emotionally, socially, physically, and spiritually. It values experiential learning, creativity, and character development, aiming to nurture individuals to lead fulfilling lives with a sense of purpose and interconnectedness.

Answer- Takshashila and Nalanda have been declared heritage sites due to their historical and cultural significance. Both institutions were renowned centers of learning in ancient India, attracting scholars and students from across the world. They played pivotal roles in the exchange of knowledge, advancements in various fields, and the preservation of ancient wisdom.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English It So Happened Chapter 8 Ancient Education System Of India

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